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Improving data quality in your practice – Quality Improvement activities- HbA1c, blood pressure & immunisations (webinar)

Date: 11-05-2023 12:00:00

When Thu May 11, 2023 12:00-12:30PM AEST
Where Online webinar

This 30-minute session will provide an overview of the importance of high-quality patient clinical records and practical examples of how to improve your Practice’s data quality. We will focus on quality improvement activities for the correctly recording HbA1c, blood pressure & immunisations data.

This session will aim to guide General Practice administrative and clinical staff in gaining a foundational understanding of:

The clinical risks of poor data;
- The importance of coding clinical information to ensure quality diagnosis and medical history/observations data;
- Importance of medical terminology; and
- The benefits of up-to-date and accurate data within clinical software and when uploading documents to the My Health Record
- Correctly recording and entering results.

