4 December 2019

Breaking Down Depression and Building Resilience - Bourke

Date: 4 December 2019 17:30 to 19:30
Summary: Delivered by a trained presenter who has a personal experience of mental health issues or of caring for a loved one, ‘Breaking down depression and building resilience’ is a 1-hour presentation suitable for general audiences.

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GP Masterclass - Secondary Hypertension - Bourke

Date: 4 December 2019 18:30 to 20:30
Summary: This education session will be a case-based, best-practice exploration of how to measure blood pressure; agents for blood pressure; signs that there may be a secondary cause for high blood pressure.

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Creating Connections - Neuroscience research

Date: 4 December 2019 18:30 to 21:30
Summary: The latest Neuroscience research on demetia, Alzheimer's, Parkingson's diseas and spinal cord injury is coming to Orange.

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