WNSW PHN Seeking Aboriginal Artwork or Design for Reconciliation Plan
Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN) is seeking expressions of interest from local Aboriginal artists or designers to provide artwork the PHN’s first Plan for Reconciliation.
“The WNSW PHNs Reconciliation Working Group felt strongly about including the work of a local artist to design an artwork to represent our vision for reconciliation across the WNSW PHN footprint, which incorporates 16 Aboriginal nations,” said WNSW PHN CEO Andrew Harvey.
The WNSW PHN covers a significant footprint, and respectfully acknowledges the Barindji, Barkandji/Paakantji, Barranbinya, Barundji, Gunu, Kamilaroi, Muruwari, Muthi Muthi, Ngemba, Nyampa, Wailwan, Wilyakali, Wiradjuri and Wongaibon Aboriginal nations.
“The purpose of the artwork is to provide a unique and inclusive visual representation of how the WNSW PHN will bring its vision for reconciliation to life across the footprint of Aboriginal nations,” said Mr Harvey.
The WNSW PHN’s vision for reconciliation is:
“By acknowledging, listening, accepting and learning to support one another; together, we will improve Aboriginal health outcomes in the Western NSW Primary Health Network footprint. “
“We encourage artists who have a family connection to one of the Aboriginal nations in our footprint to consider submitting an artwork concept,” he said.
The WNSW PHN’s Reconciliation Working Group members, including external Aboriginal community representatives, will evaluate the applications and make a recommendation to the WNSW PHN Aboriginal Health Council.
Applications are open until the 25th of September 2020, and details about how to submit artwork concepts are in the EOI which can be found online at www.wnswphn.org.au/reconciliation.
The draft plan for reconciliation and information on how to provide feedback and have your say can be also be found at www.wnswphn.org.au/reconciliation. Feedback can be submitted to rebekah.bullock@wnswphn.org.au and will be accepted until 30 September 2020.
The WNSW PHNs Aboriginal Health Council, with representation from Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, the Local Health Districts, and Aboriginal Community leadership is supporting the development of the WNSW PHN’s Plan for Reconciliation.
Reconciliation Australia is the peak body supporting the RAP program and providing a framework for organisations to meet the national reconciliation movement.