
Far West NSW welcomes electronic referrals


 A new digital system for managing referrals statewide is being introduced in the Far West of NSW to enhance the referral process for patients, referrers, and clinicians in outpatient services. The Far West Local Health District (FWLHD) has collaborated with eHealth NSW and HealthLink to facilitate the electronic transmission of referrals (eReferrals) to designated FWLHD outpatient services. This service is initially being implemented in the Far West region and will be extended to Western NSW in the near future. 

An eReferral is a digital document transmitted between healthcare services, offering a more sustainable alternative to the current methods of faxing, emailing, or mailing referrals. This electronic referral management system has been jointly developed by FWLHD, eHealth NSW, the Ministry of Health, and key stakeholders from across the state.  

To assist in this transition, FWLHD and WNSW PHN are holding information webinars for healthcare professionals in the Far West NSW region. The webinars will provide valuable information on the transition for GPs, nurses, practice managers and practice staff. 

eReferral informational webinars will be held as below: 

Monday 29 April 2024, 12pm and 6pm

Monday 6 May 2024, 12pm and 6pm

Register here and pick your preferred session time.

You can find out more information about Far West NSW eReferrals here -