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FREE Webcast - Prevention of Heart Failure, Travel Medicine Update, Managing Eczema, Menopause Management

Date: 26-11-2019 19:00:00 to 21:00

Healthed, a trusted resource for health professionals is holding a webcast on HOT TOPICS:

  • Major Changes in the Prevention of Heart Failure
  • Travel Medicine Update - Typhoid, Japanese Encephalitis and Diarrhoea
  • Managing Eczema - Practical Advice for GPs
  • Where are we at with Menopause Management?
Accredited CPD Training either RACGP: 3 Category 2 CPD points applied for or ACRRM: 2 Core PDP points applied for


Major Changes in the Prevention of Heart Failure

Prof Andrew Sindone, Director, Heart Failure Unit and Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Concord Hospital

Professor Sindone will discuss the causes and management of heart failure with a focus on major new developments regarding the role of SGLTs in the prevention and management of heart failure in patients with and without T2D. He will also describe the significance of the recently reported DAPA HF findings and their practical relevance. 

Travel Medicine Update - Typhoid, Japanese Encephalitis and Diarrhoea

Dr Bernard HudsonMicrobiologist and Infectious Diseases Physician; Head of Department of Infectious Diseases, Royal North Shore Hospital

Dr Hudson will cover major updates on the prevention of malaria, Japanese encephalitis, traveller’s diarrhoea and other recent developments in travel medicine. This lecture is very practically focused and will cover most of the tricky questions that your travelling patients want advice on, all delivered by an experienced travel medicine physician who is well known for his engaging talks.

Managing Eczema - Practical Advice for GPs

Dr Anne Halbert, Consultant Dermatologist at Princess Margaret Hospital 

Atopic dermatitis is a common condition presenting to general practitioners. In this talk, practical advice on the prevention and management of atopic dermatitis in babies and children will be presented. The risks and benefits of topical corticosteroids and calcineurin receptor antagonists will be covered in detail, along with ways in which to maximise benefit. The presentation will cover the science of treatment and the art of inspiring children and parents to comply.

Where are we at with Menopause Management?

Prof Bronwyn Stuckey, Clinical Endocrinologist specialising in reproductive endocrinology; Medical Director, Keogh Institute for Medical Research; Clinical Professor, School of Medicine, University of Western Australia

Most women will experience symptoms as they pass through the menopause transition, and for many the symptoms will be relatively mild – but approximately 30% of women will experience severe menopausal symptoms that may adversely affect their quality of life, general health and professional and family life. In this presentation Prof Bronwyn Stuckey shares expert insights on the management of these symptoms with a focus on hormonal and non-hormonal treatments and the latest research.
